Emma 1 – socks 0

Okay, a more accurate representation is probably Emma 2 – socks 57,000… but I can officially say (read: boast) that I have finally finished a pair of socks for myself.  I posted a while back about not being able to get past the toes of socks for myself, but a couple of days ago I finished a pair!

I used Sarah Ronchetti’s Scott Base – toe up pattern, the same pattern I used for the pair I knit for Emmy a couple of months ago.  I am now working on a pair of the same socks for Lauriel, in a gorgeous rainbow yarn.



lauriel socks

Lauriel’s socks – past the toes and onto the foot!


On a side note, my mum has been working on socks as well and finished her about the same time I finished mine!


Roadtrip: success!

... admittedly one of the highlights of our weekend

… admittedly one of the highlights of our weekend

Well, our roadtrip was pretty damn successful!  So successful in fact, that the kids all want to move to Napier.  So do we.  Dreams are free, huh.

Rather than giving a hugely detailed account of our trip I thought I’d just post some photos and a general overview… here goes!

We left about lunchtime, got to Napier at 3.30pm and stopped at the Silky Oak Chocolate Company for some afternoon tea (OMG, the 3 hour trip was worth it for the Marshmallow slice!).  We then went into the city and spent some time on Marine Parade before heading up to the Bluff Hill lookout for some… well, looking out!  Bluff Hill was followed by a trip to Mexi Mama for an authentic Mexican dinner.  Well worth the cost, the food was simply delicious!  After dinner we found our way out to my friend’s house and spent a couple of hours socialising before getting some much needed sleep.

Kiddos all ready to go!

Kiddos all ready to go!

Rainbow on the way to Napier

Rainbow on the way to Napier


Marshmallow slice from Silky Oak Chocolate Company


Entering Napier… I love the Palm trees!


Marine Parade



Bluff Hill


When having Mexican for dinner it seemed only right to have a Corona...

Mexican for dinner… seemed only right to have a Corona!


We left my friend’s at around 8.30am and headed into Hastings to get some new shoes for Emersyn.  Her boots broke.  Of course.  After our quick visit to KMart we went up to the top of Te Mata Peak and were lucky enough to have a breathtaking view of Hawke’s Bay.  Te Mata Peak was followed by a short visit to Arataki Honey to sample some honey and learn about bees… it was quite fascinating really!  From Arataki Honey we finally made it to Skeinz.  It was love at first sight, I tell ya!  All that wool, all that inspiration – it really would have been easy to spend hundreds of dollars in there!  By then time was getting on so we had a quick stop at McDonalds for lunch before going to McLean Park to watch Hawke’s Bay beat Taranaki in the final pre-season match.  We were lucky enough to get a photo with one of our favourite players who seemed amused when Eloise told him her dad used to be his teacher when he was in primary school!  After the game we stopped at the famous Marine Parade playground before heading to Feilding to stay with friends for the night.


Te Mata Peak



Skeinz, baby!


The kids with Tony Lamborn, a family favourite!

... and a rainbow on our way out of Napier

… and a rainbow on our way out of Napier

Was mostly spent in our pyjamas, having baby cuddles. Eventually we left, getting home at around 3.30pm.


My wifey and Miss Lillian (3mo)


As nice as our weekend was, it was lovely to get home!

... and Mr Bo was happy to have us home

… and Mr Bo was happy to have us home

“Let’s go on a roadtrip” they said…

You know how sometimes you get an idea and you know it’s going to blow up in your face, but there is a small chance it might actually work out splendidly and that small chance is enough to make you go for it?  Also known as a ‘<enter activity here> they said, it’ll be fun they said’ moment.  Well, we had us one of those on Tuesday; it went a little something like this:

“So where is the Hawke’s Bay game on Saturday?”
“Hmm, we could go… take all the kids, make a day of it!”
“We could…”
“We should…”
“We really should!”
“Let’s do it!”
*excited giggling ensues*


Us in October 2012, our first trip to Napier

On Wednesday ‘make a day of it‘ turned into ‘we could always stay the night‘.
This morning after a friends invitation to stay, ‘could stay the night‘ turned into ‘we will stay the night‘.
… and there is the potential for it to turn into two nights.

Yeap.  We, of [supposedly] sound mind are taking our four lovely (read: crazy) children on a 3 hour roadtrip to watch some rugby and explore Napier.  For a whole weekend.  A whole week.end. Whooooooole weekend.

Napier is a very special place for Lauriel and I – it is the first place we went away to together on a roadtrip – and I love that we’re going to have a chance to share it with our children.

I remember as a kid it was always so exciting to know we were going away for a weekend, especially if it was somewhere we didn’t often go (for us that place was Christchurch, Dunedin or Queenstown)… and I want our kids to have that same excitement!  Eloise is already extremely excited about going – and if you have a tween or teen, you’ll know what a joy it is to see them excited about something; especially something related to spending time with you!  Gabrielle and Aidan are also excited… to the extent they have decided they’re going to get up at 5.30am so we can leave as soon as humanly possible.  Emersyn is Emersyn.  As long as we are there, as long as Eloise is there, she is happy.


At the game we went to on our Napier trip

The kids don’t know that we are now leaving tomorrow as our original plan was to leave on Saturday morning.  Okay, this is going to result in tears from Gabrielle (how dare we make her miss a day of school?!) but I’m sure she will get over it by the time we are at McDonalds having breakfast *rolls eyes* (yeah, I stupidly promised McD’s as a treat for breakfast).

I’m not too sure what we’re going to do in Napier, but one thing is for sure, we’ll be checking out the Skeinz shop!  I hear there is a magical bin there that I simply have to check out!  Speaking of knitting, because Lauriel is doing the driving I will be able to do lots of knitting on the trip there and back!  Might even be able to get my niece’s Unadorned knit over that time!

Okay.  I said the kids are excited, but really… I am bloody excited.  I cannot wait to get away with my beautiful family for a whole weekend… it’s been so long since Lauriel and I went away and even longer since we went away with the kiddos.

On a more serious note: this is going to be a big test for my anxiety.  As I’ve posted before, one of my major anxiety issues is with being a passenger in a car driving long distances.  I am feeling a lot more relaxed about it than I would have this time a year ago and am actually considering emailing my psychologist to let him know just how far out of my comfort zone I’m stepping.  Sure, it might be a different story tomorrow morning, but all I know is I can do this and I will do this.

UPDATE: this is now a full weekend trip…. two nights away it is!

It’s not purlfect, but it’ll do!


I did it.  I actually did it.  I successfully knitted a hat – and without sending an SOS to my mum – OH. EM. GEE.

The hat is basic, very basic.  Six rows of ribbing and then about 15cm worth of stockinette stitch and 4 rows of knit two together and purl… but… I did it!

Now, I’m not saying the hat is perfect.  It isn’t.  For one thing, it is meant to fit an adult but only just fits Emersyn (4).  The kiddo does have a big noggin, but there is no way this hat would go anywhere near an adult.  It seems I am a tight knitter, odd considering when it comes to crochet I am a very loose crocheter!  Also, the top of the hat, where it closes up?  Yeah, that hole isn’t tight enough and it looks a bit nasty… I think I might add a pom pom as a way to hide the monstrosity of a hole; it will also be a good way to tighten up said hole!

Did I enjoy creating it?  Mostly.  I was a little on edge the whole time though, worried about stuffing it up and needing to delete* undo the whole thing because I’m incapable of fixing knitting mistakes!
*for some reason I always think of knitting in relation to internet/computer terms… I always refer to casting on on as ‘sigining on’…

I did it though.  I stuck at something and finished it.  I accomplished something.  I didn’t give up.  I know it probably seems like a small thing to most people, but considering my mental state lately (it IS on the improve now school is back!  Funny that…) it is a big deal for me.


the colour of the wool is more accurate in this photo (you can also see how loose the top of the hat is)

the colour of the wool is more accurate in this photo (you can also see how loose the top of the hat is)

Wool/yarn:  Patons ‘Rainbow’ 8ply acrylic, Dawn colourway

In case anyone is wondering what hat I did, it is this one from the Craftbits website.

Let there be storage!

The enormous mess that once was my wool pile is no longer.  No, I didn’t do something utterly moronic like get rid of my wool, instead I did something I am sure my mother will be very proud of.

I put it away.

I don’t claim to be the worlds tidiest person because that would be a horrendous lie… I do like to think I’m not the worlds messiest person though.  Even I get to a point though where I realise enough is enough and something has to be done about the mess.

The mess in question on Saturday was my wool which was spread through the house in a variety of bags and on a variety of surfaces.  I dragged all of it out into the lounge and moved two small storage unit book shelfy things beside the big bookshelf, then set about tidying it.

Me being me, I needed some sense of order to the project so naturally put the wool in colour groups.  Pinks together, blues together, greens together, purples together,  orange and red together… you get the idea.  There is one little square of storage that can’t really be ordered and that is my ‘special wool, don’t f**king touch!’ square of wool.  This is where my pretty merino sits, the nice 100% wool, basically anything that I am in love with.

Took a while but the process was finally completed and I have to say I am pretty dang proud of my efforts.

… if only the rest of the house was quite so easy to organise (let me not go into the hours we spent in Emersyn’s pigsty bedroom yesterday!)

The new and vastly improved wool storage space

The new and vastly improved wool storage space