Gratitudey crap

I keep seeing the word ‘gratitude’ popping up a lot at the moment.  I guess with the new year people are deciding it’s a fitting time to try and make more of an effort to appreciate the little things in life.  Like all resolutions made at the start of the year, I doubt it lasts past a few weeks for most people… but it’s the thought that counts, right?  Even if someone can do it for a few weeks, it may make a positive impact on their year, so what is to lose?

So I figured I’d jump on the bandwagon.  I highly doubt I’ll post it every day, or even every week… okay, being completely honest with myself, I will probably only make this one post, so I guess I better make it a good one!

My laptop battery is about to die so I guess I’ll just do three gratitudey things for today…


  1.  I have an amazing wife who puts up with soooooooooooo much from me.  It takes a special person to be able to deal with someone who suffers from depression (and anxiety), but somehow my wife does it and, even more surprisingly, seems to be more in love with me as time passes.
  2. Although I am sad my children are away for a prolonged period of time (though Gabrielle is back in two days!), I am grateful that in Emersyn’s case she has a whole other family who love spending time with her.  Right now she is bonding with her two younger sisters and developing her relationship with her dad and step-mum, as well as her step-mum’s family.  It is incredibly hard being away from her, but I am also glad that she has reason to be away from me for so long.  I am also grateful that, in Gabrielle’s case, my sister and parents wanted to spend extra time with her.  She is getting lots of cousin time, something they’ve all missed out on up until now, she is also getting quality time with her aunty & grandparents… something that I know from my own experience, is so important.
  3. This one will sound stupid, but my final gratitudey thing for today is that so far, I haven’t cried today.  Actually, I can’t remember if I cried yesterday either.  Considering so far 2016 has been the year of the tear for me, it is a huge accomplishment and something I truly am grateful for.


So there you have it.  In amongst the depressive episode I’m currently having, there are at least three things I am grateful for; things that I can think about and smile, knowing that although at times it seems like there is nothing positive happening in my brain, there actually is.

One thought on “Gratitudey crap

  1. Hi Emma, I think sometimes we tend to forget about the really important gifts in life that we have. We have each other; we have some very true and faithful friends who will stick by us no matter what; we have the basic needs in life (the abillity to breathe relatively clean air, eat fresh food, and the abillity to take care of ourselves and each other.) We have the opportunity to make a diference to the lives of other people and to contribute to our community in special ways, (e.g. this blog thingee of yours makes a diference to those of us who are fortunate enough to know you and who have the abillity to read it.) All these things are there to be grateful for, sometimes they just get hidden behind a pile of negativity, but they are still all there.
    Thanks always for sharing your thoughts and now just sit back for a while and soak up the love of your true friends and family. Take care, cheers from Alan.


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