Overdue road trip update

I posted that we were going on an impromptu road trip to New Plymouth – and then completely forgot to update when we got back!

First of all, the weather was PERFECT for a trip up the coast!  We were able to see Mt. Taranaki in its full beauty and had a lovely view of the ocean.  We stopped along the way for some photo opportunities, as well as to visit a cemetery… because who doesn’t drive along and say “OOOOOH, OLD CEMETERY! LET’S VISIT!”.  The cemetery was the final resting place of 12 sailors who drowned when their boat – the Lizzie Bell – capsized off the Taranaki coast (if you want to read more about it, click here!).

I’ve often posted about the calming effect the ocean has on me, and it is fair to say I was extremely happy, calm & relaxed as we drove along the coast!  On top of that, I also love mountains… needless to say being flanked on one side by the ocean and on the other side by Mt. Taranaki meant I was in a very happy place, mentally & emotionally.

Our first stop [after driving about 15 minutes in the wrong direction…] was Pouakai Zoo.  There were plenty of animals to look at, including two white tigers and two lions!  The kids loved having the chance to hand feed some of the animals (um, not the tigers or lions), admittedly so did the adults!

The next stop was the New Plymouth waterfront.  We walked, we talked, we ate, the kids played… and the weather was gorgeous.  Perfect for spending a couple of hours getting some of that glorious sea air!

When we left the waterfront it was too early for dinner, so we drove around and showed Mathilde & the kids some of the sights of New Plymouth – our second favourite city starting with ‘N’!

Dinner.  Oh dinner.  HELLO LONESTAR!

Not a lot more really needs to be said.  Lonestar have ribs.  And they are awesome.  And we ate until we were stuffed.  The kids were all given a free t-shirt for doing a colouring in competition, and because Mathilde helped Aidan, she too got a t-shirt!

Then it was time for home.  Surprisingly, the kids didn’t fall asleep until we were at  least an hour into our (2 hour) trip… I sure wish I had their energy!

We were close to home when suddenly the moon was right in front of us; huge, golden and overwhelmingly beautiful.  Yeap, we had a pretty awesome view of the super moon!!!  It was interesting to see how big it was up in the hills and then how small it seemed once we were home and back at (close to) sea level.

The trip was definitely a success and I am glad we were able to share another one of our special places with the kids, who were incredibly well behaved.  I would actually go as far as to say I enjoyed taking four kids on a road trip… something I never thought I would say.

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Impromptu roadtrip #2!


We can’t resist a chance to get up close and personal with this gorgeous mountain!

Lauriel’s friend is here from France and today we decided……

Hey!  Why not go to New Plymouth!

So that is what we are doing!  In our defense, the weather IS beautiful today and tomorrow is meant to be crap – there is no point going to New Plymouth and not being able to see the stunning Mt. Taranaki!  New Plymouth has always been special to Lauriel and I, as a couple, so we never turn down a chance to go for the day.

Before you ask, yes, all four kiddos are coming with… it is the school holidays in NZ right now, and we wanted to do something nice with our crew before Aidan and Eloise head off with their dad on Friday.

Know what?  It was me – little miss travel anxiety – that suggested we go!  I didn’t even think ‘noooo, we might crash and die!‘, I just out and suggested a roadtrip.  Not only is it a roadtrip, it is also a roadtrip where I am in the passenger seat.  That generally equals double the anxiety for me; not because I don’t trust my fabulous wife driving, but because I have this intense need to be in control of the vehicle I am in.

Maybe, just maybe, I am finally taking control of this anxiety thing.  It’s a lovely feeling.

I am sure I’ll be back later with photos from our day in the ‘Naki!


Unlike our first trip to New Plymouth, I do not plan on spending hours in the ER with a sprained ankle…


Roadtrip: success!

... admittedly one of the highlights of our weekend

… admittedly one of the highlights of our weekend

Well, our roadtrip was pretty damn successful!  So successful in fact, that the kids all want to move to Napier.  So do we.  Dreams are free, huh.

Rather than giving a hugely detailed account of our trip I thought I’d just post some photos and a general overview… here goes!

We left about lunchtime, got to Napier at 3.30pm and stopped at the Silky Oak Chocolate Company for some afternoon tea (OMG, the 3 hour trip was worth it for the Marshmallow slice!).  We then went into the city and spent some time on Marine Parade before heading up to the Bluff Hill lookout for some… well, looking out!  Bluff Hill was followed by a trip to Mexi Mama for an authentic Mexican dinner.  Well worth the cost, the food was simply delicious!  After dinner we found our way out to my friend’s house and spent a couple of hours socialising before getting some much needed sleep.

Kiddos all ready to go!

Kiddos all ready to go!

Rainbow on the way to Napier

Rainbow on the way to Napier


Marshmallow slice from Silky Oak Chocolate Company


Entering Napier… I love the Palm trees!


Marine Parade



Bluff Hill


When having Mexican for dinner it seemed only right to have a Corona...

Mexican for dinner… seemed only right to have a Corona!


We left my friend’s at around 8.30am and headed into Hastings to get some new shoes for Emersyn.  Her boots broke.  Of course.  After our quick visit to KMart we went up to the top of Te Mata Peak and were lucky enough to have a breathtaking view of Hawke’s Bay.  Te Mata Peak was followed by a short visit to Arataki Honey to sample some honey and learn about bees… it was quite fascinating really!  From Arataki Honey we finally made it to Skeinz.  It was love at first sight, I tell ya!  All that wool, all that inspiration – it really would have been easy to spend hundreds of dollars in there!  By then time was getting on so we had a quick stop at McDonalds for lunch before going to McLean Park to watch Hawke’s Bay beat Taranaki in the final pre-season match.  We were lucky enough to get a photo with one of our favourite players who seemed amused when Eloise told him her dad used to be his teacher when he was in primary school!  After the game we stopped at the famous Marine Parade playground before heading to Feilding to stay with friends for the night.


Te Mata Peak



Skeinz, baby!


The kids with Tony Lamborn, a family favourite!

... and a rainbow on our way out of Napier

… and a rainbow on our way out of Napier

Was mostly spent in our pyjamas, having baby cuddles. Eventually we left, getting home at around 3.30pm.


My wifey and Miss Lillian (3mo)


As nice as our weekend was, it was lovely to get home!

... and Mr Bo was happy to have us home

… and Mr Bo was happy to have us home