Dear Bronté…

Today I finally got my niece’s little surprise package sent away!  The plan was to ‘just’ make her a crocheted bag, but I ended up getting a bit carried away and made her an applique Fish, Octopus and a Pig [that looks more like a fish and we called ‘FishPig’], I then made her a tiara, a headband and to top it off, a pair of slippers!  Oh.  And a bag of Skittles Desserts.

It makes me feel good to be able to do something for my niece, and for other people in general.  I don’t feel as if I have a hell of a lot to offer unless you enjoy reading my rugby articles or my erotica (oops, cover blown!).  I can’t draw, I can’t paint, I can’t model with clay, I can’t sing, I certainly can’t dance… but finally I have found something I can do to bring a tiny bit of joy to someone elses life.  Sure, a crocheted headband will probably be lost within the week, a crocheted bag will probably end up in the bottom of a toybox or wardrobe, a pair of crocheted slippers will no dobut become a single slipper within a matter of days…

– but for a moment there something I have created will bring someone joy or at least make them smile, and for me that is a pretty exciting thing!


Bronte's ruffle bag

Bronte’s ruffle bag


Bronté's headband, as modelled by Emersyn

Bronté’s headband, as modelled by Emersyn

One of the slippers

One of the slippers

The little applique buddies

The little applique buddies