Latest projects

I just realised it has been quite some time since I posted any photos of projects I have been making.  I have had a couple of projects that haven’t worked out this month, perhaps that is why I haven’t done a lot of sharing?  Anyway, in case anyone is just dying to know what I’ve been up to, here are some of my latest works… you may notice a theme.

Newborn size hat

Newborn size hat

Another newborn size hat

Another newborn size hat

A hat for a special girl in Canada

A hat for a special girl in Canada

A hat for another special little Canadian!

A hat for another special little Canadian!

A little hood I made for Emersyn

A little hood I made for Emersyn

A hat I am calling my Prozac hat... it is the same colours as my Prozac capsules

A hat I am calling my Prozac hat… it is the same colours as my Prozac capsules

Let there be storage!

The enormous mess that once was my wool pile is no longer.  No, I didn’t do something utterly moronic like get rid of my wool, instead I did something I am sure my mother will be very proud of.

I put it away.

I don’t claim to be the worlds tidiest person because that would be a horrendous lie… I do like to think I’m not the worlds messiest person though.  Even I get to a point though where I realise enough is enough and something has to be done about the mess.

The mess in question on Saturday was my wool which was spread through the house in a variety of bags and on a variety of surfaces.  I dragged all of it out into the lounge and moved two small storage unit book shelfy things beside the big bookshelf, then set about tidying it.

Me being me, I needed some sense of order to the project so naturally put the wool in colour groups.  Pinks together, blues together, greens together, purples together,  orange and red together… you get the idea.  There is one little square of storage that can’t really be ordered and that is my ‘special wool, don’t f**king touch!’ square of wool.  This is where my pretty merino sits, the nice 100% wool, basically anything that I am in love with.

Took a while but the process was finally completed and I have to say I am pretty dang proud of my efforts.

… if only the rest of the house was quite so easy to organise (let me not go into the hours we spent in Emersyn’s pigsty bedroom yesterday!)

The new and vastly improved wool storage space

The new and vastly improved wool storage space

A few thoughts on virginity…

I am nervous for our children… and that doesn’t just come from being a mum with an anxiety disorder.

The teenage years are horrible.  I remember them well and I know everyone reading this will remember them well.  The hormones, the pressure, the angst, the need for independence and not feeling as if you are getting enough, the decisions that you need to make about life (seriously, WHY are we expecting 17 year olds to know what they want to do with the rest of their life?!), and then there is everything sex related, but particularly the losing of one’s virginity.

I remember being a teenager and the huge deal that was made about losing the ‘big V’.  Parents and teachers were slamming home the point that you should wait until you are properly ready and that you lose it under the right circumstances.  Friends and peers brag about losing their virginity, about how awesome sex is, about what positions they’ve done it in, about how many people they have had sex with.  There is so much pressure from both sides – some of it intentional and some of it unintentional – and it makes for a hellishly confusing time.

I lost my virginity faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar too early.  Years too early.  So early that I am now ashamed about it, particularly about the way I lost it and who it was with.  The thought of any of our kids losing their virginity so young and in such a way fills me with dread.  I’m probably bloody lucky I was at boarding school when it happened to me and I didn’t have to physically look at my parents when they found out about it.

But you know what?  In one way I am… I’m not sure that ‘glad’ is the right word, but because I can’t think of another word, let’s go with glad.  The one way I am glad that I lost my virginity so young is that I didn’t have to put up with the pressure from either side.  When the rest of my friends and peers were going through the inner turmoil of should-I-or-shouldn’t-I, I didn’t have that worry.  I had lost it, that big, enormous, momentous, life-changing moment had been and gone (I might add that after I lost my virginity I didn’t have sex for another four years).

I wish such a huge deal wasn’t made about it, that teenagers and young adults could be given the tools required to make an informed decision for themselves (I know this is idealistic, not every teen or young adult has the mental capacity to do this!), without being told by x, y, and z, that a, b, or c was the right thing to do.

Having the benefit of hindsight (I know, old person saying…) I can see that too much emphasis is placed on the wrong aspects of losing your virginity.  It all seems to be about ‘do have sex’ or ‘don’t have sex’ and then about age.  Teenagers are told ‘DON’T HAVE SEX!’ but they aren’t told why.  They aren’t given a chance for real dialogue about it (*I say this in a general sense, I know there ARE plenty of adults out there who have great dialogue re sex with their teens).  People seem to focus on the physical reasons to abstain, especially with regard to pregnancy and STI transmission, but it needs to go a lot further.  The mental side of things, the emotional side, the spiritual side.

But then the same can be said for the peer pressure side of things.  ‘It feels so good’ yeah, true, it can feel good, but it can also be uncomfortable as well as opening up a new world of insecurities.  I didn’t orgasm, I must be broken.  He/she didn’t cum, I must be doing something wrong.  Sex doesn’t feel good, there must be something wrong with me.

There is stigma attached to losing virginity too young or in the wrong circumstances, but there is also a stigma attatched to not losing one’s virginity young enough. It is like if you have lost your virginity by the time you are 15 you are automatically a ‘slut’, if you haven’t lost your virginity by the time you are 20 you are ‘frigid’ or there is obviously something wrong with you.

It’s a complete and utter contradiction.  What is so wrong with someone not losing their virginity until they are 20?  30? 40?  Older?   Why should it bother me if Jane Bloggs down the road didn’t lose her virginity until she was 25?

Why can’t people just accept that the decision to lose your virginity should be a private one, one that is made when each individual feels the time is right?  We (when I say we, I mean we as a society)  can give teenagers and young people tools to help them with that decision, we should be available for them to talk to about it if they want, we should be there to guide them if and when they want our guidance.  On the flip side, we should accept that not everyone is ready to lose their virginity in their teens and that some people may have no interest in losing it at all.

Virginity is a big deal – but it should be a big deal on an individual level – not a societal level.  I wish our four children could grow up in a society where virginity is what it is – having sex for the first time – and that the pressure so commonly associated with it, whether from the ‘don’t do it’ or ‘do it now!’ camp, didn’t exist. Losing your virginity should most be seen as special and I am by no means saying people should lose their virginity when they are too young mentally, emotionally and physically to cope with it.

I guess when I think about our children, I want them to not feel pressured to lose their virginity, but I also don’t want them thinking sex is evil or a ‘bad’ thing to do.  I want them to be able to talk with us when they have questions or feel confused or just need a sounding board, and that, between my wife and I, we can give them the ability to make an informed decision and lose their virginity when the time is right for them, not when society thinks it is right for them.

Recipe – Banana loaf

I blogged a few days ago about our bananatastic find. Welllll the first banana thing I made was banana loaf.  I remember my mum making it a lot when we were kids and I just had to make it.  The children loved the first loaf I made so today I made another one this time doubling the recipe and making it in a cake tin, which also left me enough mixture for a dozen muffins!



The recipe is from the Kiwi classic ‘Edmonds Cookery Book’ which is the stock-standard everyone-has-it recipe book in New Zealand.


Banana Loaf

1 3/4 cups self raising flour  (OR 1 3/4 cups flour & 1 3/4 tsp baking powder)
1/4 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp salt
1/2 cup sugar
2 eggs
1/4 cup milk
75g butter, melted
1 cup mashed banana

Sift flour, baking soda and salt into a bowl.  Mix in sugar.  In another bowl beat eggs.  Stir in milk, butter and banana.  Mix quickly into dry intredients, stirring until ingredients are just combined.  Spoon into a greased and lined 22cm loaf tin.  Bake at 180c (350F) for 45-55 minutes.  Leave in tin for 10 minutes before turning out onto wire rack.

These are the days I hate the most

I need to remind myself of this

I need to remind myself of this

Today has been the type of day that leaves me feeling exhausted and on edge – mentally, physically, emotionally – the type of day that seems to last triple the time of a normal day.

What exactly is this type of day?

It’s the type of day when I wake up feeling uneasy and don’t really know why.  One minute I feel sad and don’t know why, the next I feel over excited and don’t know why.  One minute I’m happy and the next I am a grumpy bitch taking it out on everyone else.  I spend a lot of time in bed on these days.  Time feeling sorry for myself and picking apart every. single. little. thing. I hate about who I am.  Usually a lot of that time is spent feeling like a failure for whatever reason, feeling like I don’t deserve my wife, my children, my family, my friends.  Rather than being proud of myself for ______________ I beat myself up for ____________; usually the thing I beat myself up over is something old, something in the past, something I haven’t thought about in years.  It makes no sense whatsoever, but I can’t shake it from my thoughts.

My wife calls this the spiral of doom.  One thing leads to another, which leads to another, which leads to another… and results in me wishing I could bash my head against a wall.

And that is what I do sometimes.  Yeap.  One of my not-so-good coping mechanisms is to bang my head against the wall.  I remember doing this as a child, I remember doing this as a teen and I still do it as an adult when I’m at my worst.  Lauriel tells me off for this and pretty much physically restrains me.  I am grateful she does because the last thing I need is to knock myself unconscious.  Then there is the biting.  If I’m not banging my head against the wall – literally – I am biting myself.  Usually my hand or my forearm.  I’m not sure if this is considered self-harm but I cannot control it.  I get angry/upset/whatever, begin to shake, then my hand/arm goes up to my mouth and I bite as hard as I can.  I think it’s a way to try and snap myself out of it, or perhaps a way to let out my frustration in a way that is safer than punching a window or smashing things.

Yes, today is one of those days.  I cannot pin my finger on exactly why I am feeling this way, I think it is a combination of things.

* I had to go for a cervical smear, this triggered my health anxiety (I have myself convinced my results will come back showing something is wrong), but also some memories of the sexual abuse I suffered in my early 20’s…
* I had to see the doctor for my six monthly review for my meds and ended up coming out of it on a higher dose of antidepressants, leading me to feel like a failure for needing even more help.
Okay, those are probably the two main things that have triggered my mood today; but those things have – as happens on the spiral of doom – left me feeling ‘blah’ about almost everything else.

I hate these days because they come out of the blue and usually after days of feeling really good, and positive.  They just strike and knock me off my feet… no matter how often I tell myself tomorrow I will feel better, that it is just temporary, I still feel as if I am deeeeeep in the depths of *whatever this is* and that I’m going to feel this way forever.

I think this is the hard part about dealing with depression and taking measures to improvie it.  When everyday is a depressed day you don’t really notice just how bad you feel, but when most of your days are good days (finally, yay!) the odd bad day you do have feels 100x worse than you are used to feeling.

I guess that days like this could be viewed as being a complete and utter bastard, but a more positive way to look at them is probably to think of how far I have come and that I now have a new normal.


At the fruit shop yesterday we found boxes of cooking bananas for $2.00.  Needless to say it was too good of a bargain to ignore so we left with our box of ‘nanas.

Now I am trying to decide what to do with them.

We are going to make some banana ice cream (seriously, all you need is banana!), but beyond that I am not too sure what to do!  I think we’ll do some banana cake, banana muffins for the kids lunch boxes, perhaps a banana loaf.

What is YOUR favourite recipe that includes bananas?  Inspire me!


Our big box of bananas!

Our big box of bananas!

The mad (crochet) hatter…

After doing a couple of big (for me) projects lately I decided to take a break and make some baby hats.  Not only are they damn cute, they are also a good way to get almost instant gratification – half an hour after starting they are done – and that sense of accomplishment sets in.  So far I have only made newborn size hats along with a couple of preemie size and I think I might try and sell them.  People always need woolen hats for newborns and really, who can resist a cute little hat!

I have only done one style of hat so far (using granny stitch) but think I will branch out soon.  I am thinking about donating some preemie size hats to the NICU at the local hospital…   after knowing what friends of mine have recently been through with preemies, I want to be able to help in some tiny way.  I have a feeling making newborn and preemie hats is a way to make up for the fact that I won’t be having anymore babies… I can’t snuggle with a tiny baby, but I can make a hat for one!


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